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Old Mon Feb 2, 2015, 10:27 AM
Marlene Marlene is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Springfield, VA
Posts: 1,408
John would get hives from the cold and friction which was a result of low platelets for him. Once his platelets improved, so did the hives. But he's still prone to hives from time to time. One will pop up for no reason. He had isolated cases as a child but it really showed up with a vengeance when he got transfusions..mostly platelets. He had one platelet bag that gave him serious head to toe hives. And from then on, until his platelets improved, he got hives very easily in the winter when we went for walks.

I ended up getting him long underwear and made up an essential oil blend that he would apply prior to walking to prevent a breakout.

I think the blood vessels were more permeable because of low platelets and histamines would be released causing a reaction. Anything that relaxed his blood vessels too much could trigger a reaction.

You may try looking into supplements/food that lower histamines levels. Or look into foods that may increase histamine reactions and eliminate them from your diet.

Since homeopathy is popular in the UK, have you considered consulting with one?

Also consider trying a gluten free diet for a while.
Marlene, wife to John DX w/SAA April 2002, Stable partial remission; Treated with High Dose Cytoxan, Johns Hopkins, June 2002. Final phlebotomy 11/2016. As of July 2021 HGB 12.0, WBC 4.70/ANC 3.85, Plts 110K.
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