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Old Mon Mar 19, 2007, 12:00 AM
Marrowforums Marrowforums is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 920
Bone Marrow Disease Resolution Introduced in U.S. Congress

On March 6, 2007, Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Mary Bono (R-CA) introduced the bipartisan Bone Marrow Disease Resolution, known as H.Con.Res. 81. It is currently before the House Energy and Commerce Committee and may come to the floor of the House in the coming weeks.

The purpose of the resolution is to encourage the federal government to fund research and engage in public health initiatives that give patients greater access to more treatment options and, ultimately, cures for bone marrow diseases.

H.Con.Res. 81 is a major prerequisite for getting Congress and the National Institutes of Health to focus on, and direct funds to, bone marrow disease research.

Marrowforums encourages patients, family members, and friends in the U.S. to help build support for H.Con.Res. 81 by contacting their Representative and urging them to cosponsor the Bone Marrow Disease Resolution. Please note that you should contact your own Congressional Representative, not your Senators or the resolution sponsors.
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