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Old Tue Aug 18, 2015, 03:00 AM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Hi, I'm on here every day but not much to add so I've haven't been posting.

I'm currently in ED at my local public hospital having a blood transfusion. HB 56, neuts .6 This is 8 weeks since my last blood transfusion of three units and last lot of a week of copper infusions.

What can I say.....doesn't look promising re response to copper treatments etc.

I now weigh 41kgs and I'm having a new NJ feeding tube placed on Thursday. Maybe some better nutrition will help the bone marrow failure, who knows.

I have to say, I'm being treated so well by the staff here. So much better than my private facility! Even the hardware like the ED bed, TV, medical equipment etc is new state of the art and incomparable to the private sector. They are even doing neutropenic precautions.....this has NEVER happened at the private hospital.
I'm going to try a vegetable rice paper roll with sweet chilli sauce for dinner! I might be able to eat one bite but I'm going to try.

Thanks for asking after me BTW.
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