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Old Thu Aug 18, 2016, 11:35 AM
David M David M is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Fayetteville, TN
Posts: 92

Thanks for reading about my "saga." Actually, at this point, it is more like a 16-year saga! That's a lot of watching and waiting!

In 2009, when I wrote my original "My Story" post, I had been watching and waiting for about 9 years. However, it appeared to me things were trending downward at a slightly accelerated rate, and I was convinced that I was headed very soon toward some type of "treatment" -- whether it was transfusions, meds, or even ultimately a BMT. These things could still happen, of course, but since 2009, my counts have been amazingly stable. Still low, but stable.

Since then, I've kept an eye on it. I am very thankful for each new day.

Again, Meri T, thanks for reading my saga, and I hope it was helpful to you. I suggest for you to get better response to your question from the Forum, you may also want to post it in one of the other forums as well on this site, such as "Questions and Answers"... (probably more people would read it there).
David M, reds/whites/plats slowly declining since 2000; hypo-cellular bone marrow; diagnosed Mild AA; low counts, but stable since 2009; watch and wait -- no treatments required to this point.
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