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Old Mon Jan 23, 2017, 07:42 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 2,556
Since Vidaza didn't help your husband, it sounds like he's a prime candidate for the new rigosertib Phase 3 trial, which is currently recruiting patients.

This trial is unusual in that it stemmed from a previous trial that was unsuccessful overall in extending MDS patient survival (comparing rigosertib treatment to standard care). However, statistics from that study showed that rigosertib helped survival for patients who had no response to Vidaza (or another hypomethylating agent).

With the new study, researchers will study this effect for high-risk MDS patients. It's strange to think that having no response to Vidaza may actually be better for a patient than having a partial response or a response and relapse, if rigosertib is available to them.
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