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Old Sat Apr 8, 2017, 07:40 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
Post travel, some suggestions from experience.

And I came back from the US in one piece. The most exhausting part was not the 10 hour flight, but the long queue at Immigration, and the few days of jetlag.

Some suggestions from experience:
- Not only wear a mask on the plane, but change the mask regularly.
- Wipes. I used up the whole box during my stay, especially while eating out. Most restaurants did not have wet towels, even though they were serving finger foods or spring rolls which you eat with your hands.
- Platelet transfusion. It is amazing how many times I bumped into things. When you go to unaccustomed places, and especially jetlagged, it is so easy to trip, fall or bump yourself. So slow down a bit while travelling.
- Try to keep track of medication by taking them about 6 hours apart instead of relying on morning, afternoon and evening. It's so easy to miss a dose while you are sleeping off the jetlag.

I have a blood test this Monday, let's see how many points this trip has cost me.

An aside, fun as the trip was, I was quite frustrated at being told by close friends and relatives, Oh so you don't have leukemia or cancer, you only have a blood disorder, some syndromes. Or being dismissed, so you have a match, you'll be fine.

I think most of you have experienced this form of sympathy from family and friends. I chose only to tell very close relatives and my two best friends only.

Keep well everyone.
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