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Old Mon Sep 4, 2017, 10:59 AM
Rarity Rarity is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: USA
Posts: 72
How is the timing of bmt decided

Hello everyone,
This is my first time in the forum. I appreciate all the information posted by all of you as it is very helpful!
My husband was recently diagnosed with MDS RCMD and a bmt for the treatment. The most confusing point we are at right now, is how the timing of the bmt is determined?
He was hospitalized in June prior to diagnoses for unexplained fever and critical blood counts. He received transfusions, antibiotics while in the hospital, is neutropenic and has had 2 more transfusions within the last 2 months. This seems to be his trend. After the transfusions the levels only go up to 9. Then stay in the 8's for a few weeks. The bmb confirmed the MDS.They did search the donor registry and have a donor. We are finding that the information we receive is conflicting and they don't seem to update each other. This is very frustrating. I have researched until my eyes are coming out of my head and found more information than they are willing to communicate. The MD's give very vague answers and feel like it's a bother to ask such questions. Any feedback and suggestions will be welcomed.
Thank you so much!
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