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Old Sun Sep 24, 2017, 08:03 AM
Rarity Rarity is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Posts: 72
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Hello! I can't remember your whole situation, but this could be one of several things (from my experience only). First - could be good? More than likely, he did have some sort of small infection and his body reacted the way it should - white cells climbed a bit and fought/is fighting it off. The only thing I always caution - watch for the whites to keep climbing. If so, could be something else entirely....Not sure on the platelets, though, and I'll be interested to see if you find out anything. How is he doing with low Hgb?
Firstly, my sincere condolences for your loss. I didn't find this forum until shortly after. I have read a lot of his posts and find them very informative as I'm sure other do. It's nice you continue on the forum.

We're thinking the same that may be why the WBC increased and hopefully doing their job of fighting off infection. Hopefully that's all it is and not the something else. Not going to worry to much yet, but is in our minds. We will see with the next labs.

He functions well in the 8's. When they start to go in the 7's, that is when he is affected with the fatigue and grumpiness sleeps a little more (that is not him before the MDS) The trend has been transfusion in the low 7's.

Thank you for your time in responding.
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