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Old Fri Dec 1, 2017, 12:30 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
Talking Liver health and other post transplant stuff.

Thank you Cheryl.
Actually my sister flew up from Adelaide last week and stayed with me for a few days. We had fun, lifted my spirits a lot. I got a lot of Merino wool inner wear and Cadbury chocolates. I know, chocolates and liver health really don't go well together. I made pho and spring rolls etc. I think I ate too much last week.

I have raised bumps on my scalp. They itch. Googled, and found it was part of GVHD skin. I showed the bumps to my hematologist who was not dismissive, but he seemed more worried about my liver. I guess those bumps won't kill me in the next following weeks, but my liver if not under control, might.

I have switched to fresh fruits and non fried foods, and will keep it up until next week's blood test. I am trying to do my part, not just let the meds do all the work.
Would not want to spend Christmas in the hospital, though my husband insists it's the safest place for me.

Female born 1965, diagnosed MDS RAEB1 in August 2016, watch and wait for 9 months. Sibling match - Stem cell transplant in 2017.
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