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Old Fri Mar 9, 2018, 01:33 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
Hello everyone,

My Thursday appointments went well.
The answer to my seasonal allergy question was met with a lecture that I could not quite grasp, I think this is what my doctor was trying to explain to me. Please feel free jump in and correct me if I am wrong.

"Allergy symptoms appear when antibodies (lymp cells) attack antigens (pollen)"

After transplant since I have the donor's antibodies there is a chance (very small) that I will not get the allergies.
However, another scenario: pollen antigens are caught by antigen directed cells (mine), and this info is relayed to the lymph cells (donor), therefore the donor lymph cells will launch an attack on my antigen directed cells, causing seasonal allergy symptoms.

And I got allergy meds, twice a day after meals, the drowsy kind. I am not complaining, the prednisone was keeping me awake at night.

My nausea could be caused by GVHD, or by the lining in my stomach that has not cured completely. I got some more meds for that, in about a month, it the nausea still persists then an endoscopy will be done. I had GVHD gut intestines so he said it could be acute turning to chronic.

The itch. My hematologist referred me to the dermatology dept in the same hospital. I will go next week to show them my itch.

My blood counts were very good.
WBC 7.1
RBC 4.38
Hgb 14.2
Platelets 157

My liver counts remain bad:
AST 90 H (should be around 13-33)
ALT 86 H (6-27)
LD 243 H ( 119-229)
ALP 528 H ( 117-350)
yGT 688!!!! very high (9-109)

though my doctor is not worried, saying the numbers are about the same as 3 weeks earlier, therefore give the body some time to adjust to the tapered meds.

Foods I like to eat: apples, bananas, bread, ice cream.
Strawberry season coming up, but I don't think I will risk it.
Everyone, please keep on posting and sharing your experiences, it helps.

Female born 1965, diagnosed MDS RAEB1 in August 2016, watch and wait for 9 months. Sibling match - Stem cell transplant in 2017.
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