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Old Sat Aug 11, 2018, 10:38 PM
David M David M is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Fayetteville, TN
Posts: 92
6 Months?


One thing you might suggest to your doctor... if you really would like to be checked more frequently than every 6 months...

This happened to me once, and I think it worked out well. My hematologist at one point said I was "stable enough" and only needed to come in to see him and get a CBC every 6 months. I told him I felt uncomfortable with that, and felt like I needed to have CBCs done a bit more often.

So, as a sort of compromise, he scheduled me for quarterly CBCs -- but I would only have doctor visits every 6 months. The other 2 CBCs were lab-only visits. I think this kept us both happy.

Just an idea...

David M
David M, reds/whites/plats slowly declining since 2000; hypo-cellular bone marrow; diagnosed Mild AA; low counts, but stable since 2009; watch and wait -- no treatments required to this point.
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