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Old Sun Jan 13, 2019, 07:34 PM
Rarity Rarity is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: USA
Posts: 74
Originally Posted by David T View Post

Thanks for taking the time to reply and for offering encouragement to others, long after your own successful treatment.

It is a shame to see so many interesting threads about success stories suddenly stop, in some of the forums I have visited.

I assume that after a successful SCT the patient wants to put the experience behind them, when they could be of so much help to those who are about to go through the experience.

Best Regards

Hi David,

So sorry you have to go through this. My husband is your age (59) and is 8 months post transplant. I have not been posting as I didn't want to jinx him. His recovery has been going very well. A few minor issues but we are hopeful will turn around. It's been quite the journey and still trying to see the light at the end. Wishing you all the best in yours. Keep the faith.

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