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Old Sat May 25, 2019, 02:18 AM
Meri T. Meri T. is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 175
Meeting my donor !

I am meeting my donor in a few days. I know, I know, my donor is my brother, but I haven't seen him since he gave me his stem cells 2 years ago. He's flying over and we will have tons of stuff to talk about.

I have 5 brother and sisters. He was the only one that matched. It was a bit scary at first, to see if I could find them all. After the war, we were kind of dispersed, if that's the right word; Vietnam, US, NZ-Australia and Japan.

I am not of Japanese ethnic so the hospital mentioned using the Japan donor system wouldn't help much, so all hope was for a sibling HLA. The hospital gave me a saliva test kit, like the ones you see in the movies, I sent them the kit, they took their saliva and sent them back, and then the kit was sent to the laboratory for HLA testing. It's easier than drawing blood.

I videotaped my brother's stem cell being taken, 6 hours ! Before that he had injections for 3 days to increase his white cells. After the ordeal he suffered a numb head for a while. Never complained at all. We are close now, he asks about my health more than my other siblings. Maybe because my marrow and his are the same now.

Female born 1965, diagnosed MDS RAEB1 in August 2016, watch and wait for 9 months. Sibling match - Stem cell transplant in 2017.
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