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Old Tue Jan 21, 2020, 09:10 PM
Sally C Sally C is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chesterfield, Va.
Posts: 470
Hi Mer,
I am so sorry for what you are going through.
I can't help you with specifics but I can give some insight on the neutrophils and possibly the itching.
When my husband's neutrophils went to 0.0 (due to Campath) our onc/hema gave me instructions as to what to do if he started running a fever. She wrote it on an Rx pad. I was to take him straight to the ER with his CBC to show them. I was to tell them the IV drugs they should start in the ER, summon the on-call hematologist and contact his doctor's office immediately. And with each instruction I was to tell them STAT. You'd be amazed at how they respond to that as they think you know what you're talking about. Very low or no neutrophils is a big deal. Sure enough that very night he started chills and fever. When it reached 100 we left for the ER and I was extremely calm because I knew what to do. They followed my every instruction and it saved his life.
Also he had a terrible time with itching and nothing helped. When he was at the NIH they had to give him an IV of Lorazepam (not a pill) which put him right to sleep. When he woke up the itching was completely gone. I don't know if there was something in the Lorazepam that stopped it or if it was understandable anxiety.
I hope this helps and I wish you all the best.
God Bless,
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