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Old Sat Jun 27, 2020, 04:58 PM
John T John T is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: North Texas
Posts: 15
Originally Posted by Meri T. View Post
Hello everyone,
The flight Tokyo-Houston was great, 20 passengers in a 400 seat plane !
Houston is wonderful, the space, the food, the beef! I am very sure my Hgb is good, with all the beef I have been enjoying.The summer is great, sunny with showers. My skin gvhd has subsided, I used a cream from Walmart, it does wonders.

The corona numbers are a bit alarming though, 5489 cases yesterday in Texas. I flew into the US through the Seattle hub, there was no temperature testing, no distancing at the immigration line!? Tokyo Narita/Haneda airports have obligatory CoV testing for arrivals. They have only under 40 cases/day, but they are still concerned, not as open as over here.
After I arrived in Houston, I did the 14 day self quarantine, and even did the drive in CoV test near my place. I don't take prednisone anymore, so I don't know if that makes me immune compromised or not. I haven't taken any vaccines yet, so maybe I am still compromised.

Bob, thank you for letting us know how your family work with this corona life. it's amazing how you take precautions. Good for both of you.

Pearl, all the hospitals are more on coV patients, so I haven't gotten any appointments yet. My case is not severe enough for an appointment. I only take 2 pills a day, acyclovir for any herpes flareup, and entecovir for prevention of Hep b.

John T. my neighbour in Dallas ! Thank you for the welcome. I hope your posttransplant was less severe than mine. Some people do have just a bit of gvhd, then they move on very well. I have got 3 pairs of sunglasses, the sunshine in Houston is so bright, it hurts my eyes. I do eyedrops at night too.

All in all I am doing very well with my cgvhd. June 2nd was my 3 year post transplant. I congratulated myself with a thick slice of beef, and a box of fresh mangoes !
Hi Meri T.,

I have family I visit in North Houston maybe we can get tother for a beer and a burger sometime. I can highly recommend Goodsons in Tomball.

Even though my transplant was a high resolution matched MUD donor I still have cGVHD. Last year put me in the hospital with kidney failure from which I seem to have completely recovered. Kidney numbers are all normal, still have some elevate liver enzymes and lower than normal rbc and hemoglobin.

All my vaccines except MMR have been completed. My transplant center was Medical City Dallas which was classified by insurance company as a center of excellence along with MD Anderson.
MDS RAEB-1 since early 2017
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