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Old Fri Jan 28, 2022, 09:23 AM
Matthew42 Matthew42 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: USA
Posts: 130
I forgot to tell you:

My mother's hematologist does consult with Dr. Young, even though she wants my mother to start seeing him instead of her. She lowered by mother's cyclosporine dosage according to what Dr. Young told her to do in cases like this, I believe. The rationale: Dr. Young said that when one line is achieved, you lower the dosage because higher amounts of immunosuppressants can hinder progress. In the same vein, if you lower it too much, it can hinder progress. I don't know, but that it what I believe she told me. But she is staying on this dosage for a while until she greatly improves in the other two lines.

I also forgot to say this as well: My mother's neutrophil percentage has been averaging higher than her lymphocyte percentage for the past six weeks. It used to be the other way around for a long time. Her lymphocytes are now coming into normal range as is the neutrophils. This is a sign of the marrow healing. Before a few months ago, her lymphocyte percentages were in the 70's, even in the 90's at the beginning. Now they are in the high 30's and low 40's. Her neutrophils are now in the 50's instead of the 10's or 20's several months ago. So, this is a good sign, but I never get too excited until the hemoglobin and platelets start staying up in the peripheral blood.

Take care!

Last edited by Matthew42 : Fri Jan 28, 2022 at 09:35 AM.
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