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Old Thu Mar 24, 2022, 01:22 PM
Matthew42 Matthew42 is offline
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Originally Posted by mola-tecta View Post
I am rather stunned - for the first time I have ever seen, my mother's platelets rose on their own. Twice this week! From 30 on 3/17, to 33 on 3/21, and now 45 on 3/24! Hemoglobin has fluctuated several times both up and down but is still holding above 9.

Really hoping this is a good trend forward. Also hoping the hematologist will actually acknowledge it. This entire process has been awful and I want something to start happening. And I desperately want the hematologist to just acknowledge something is happening?
That's EXCELLENT news. If her platelets are rising on their own, then recovery should be around the corner. So happy for your mother (and for you, too!).

They did a peripheral blood bone marrow biopsy on my mother (not as detailed as a tissue sample), and there were no cytogenetic changes, no dysplastic cells, etc.

My mother's blood held steady for almost 3 weeks. She dropped, but very, very slowly (for her). She ended up getting transfused just before the 3-week mark, but it was a good thing. It was the first time that my mother's hematologist said she was excited for her. Unfortunately, a week later after the blood transfusion, she needs blood again (tomorrow). She went down fourth-tenths of point in hemoglobin in three days, but her red blood cell count didn't drop that much like usual. I still think things may be improving somehow (you need to pay attention the RBC count and how it drops, as same levels of RBC's can yield different hemoglobin levels). At any rate, she may get away with only needing 2 units for the whole month. That is unprecedented for her (usually at least 3 units a month).

No improvement in the platelet line. And neutrophils are a bit under 1000 for the past week, but I am not worried about it. She is still averaging well above 500.

Lymphocytes and Neutrophil percentages are close to equal at times. I read that was a sign the autoimmune condition was quieting down. Not sure, though.

Best of health to everyone!

Last edited by Matthew42 : Thu Mar 24, 2022 at 02:37 PM.
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