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Old Wed Aug 1, 2007, 03:13 AM
Marrowforums Marrowforums is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 920
Marrowforums Celebrates First Anniversary

Today, August 1, 2007, Marrowforums celebrates its one-year anniversary. Our website and discussion forums were launched a year ago to help patients, family members, and others affected by bone marrow failure diseases by providing information and by hosting discussion forums where they could talk to others with the same concerns.

Aplastic anemia, MDS, and PNH have many of the same symptoms and treatments. But patients share even more: medical issues they face, jargon they encounter, decisions they must make, fears and hopes they have for the future, and the need to know they are not facing their illness alone.

Patients and their loved ones can help themselves and others by joining Marrowforums, participating in forum discussions, asking questions, sharing their experiences with others, and being part of the patient-to-patient support system that makes each of us stronger.

Marrowforums membership has grown steadily since August 1, 2006 and we've gained valuable experience serving our community. We're pleased with the start we've gotten and look forward to supporting even more patients in the coming year. We thank you, our forum participants, for being part of our shared experience.

We invite your comments about our first anniversary in this thread. As always, you can post questions and suggestions about Marrowforums in the Site Comments forum or you can contact us privately about any matter of concern.
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