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Old Thu Sep 13, 2007, 10:50 PM
bwf bwf is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 9

Linda - thank you.

Did Bob get the pneumonia or throat infection while in the hospital? I believe with my mother, she did. They most recently wanted to do a bronchoscopy but we elected not to have them do it (that was this past Sunday). They wanted to confrm that the pneumonia PCP, based - which is the prime suspect. It seems that whenever they do a "procedure," that the risk of infection is very high. Her overall counts are very similar to what you describe with Bob, particularly the WBC.

Obviously, medical personnel want to get "about fixing things." I think their mindset is, first and foremost, on fixing what's broken. But, caution and patience, are also sometimes the prudent path. They had even said to us that the pneumonia looked and acted like PCP in 3 different realms. The test would have been a 4th indicator, but . . .there was also the chance that the test was negative. So, they're treated as though it is PCP, and, thus far, it appears so. 3 out of 4 ain't bad, we figured. And the doctors somewhat concurred. Although the infectious specialist seemed ready to go for the bronchoscopy.

Good Luck tomorrow and thank you again!
Brian, son of Carol, diagnosed AA 1995, treated w cyclosporine, progressed to MDS, July 2007. Being treated w Dacogen currently - unsuccessfully.
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