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Old Fri Feb 1, 2008, 09:56 PM
slrb2152 slrb2152 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 5 glad to find you!


My 79 yr old Mother has just been diagnosed with MDS. We are totally unfamiliar with this disease and had never heard of it until now. I did get a copy of the biopsy but am not seeing some of the info you all refer to i.e. %of blasts, etc. The report diagnosis says "myelodysplastic syndrome, refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts."

I began to search the internet for info on this disease. There is much info there but at the same time, not much "hopeful" or positive information. I was so thankful to find you and this forum to know there are LIVING people who have this disease and who are successfully managing it. I will be reading all your previous posts and trying to absorb all I can.

Mother had Large B-cell Lymphoma and was successfully treated with CHOP+R. She then develped sarcoidosis and finished her treatment for that (in remission) early fall. However, her internist has noticed a continual decline in her blood counts so sent her back to her onc. He then did the bone marrow biopsy which shows MDS. After reading some of the info on the net, I feel sure the chemo for the lymphoma has caused this.

The oncologist gave her a shot of Aranesp and she is to have others at two week intervals. That is the only treatment suggested. He indicated he is starting her on a lower dose and if she doesn't respond, will increase the amount. We are praying the lower dose will be effective.

I am wondering if there is anyone else on this list near her age, anyone who has/is being treated only with the Aranesp, how it worked for you, how long does it normally take to know if the shots are going to be effective, etc. Mostly any information/suggestions will be appreciated.

As I said, I am just so thankful to find you! I look forward to hearing from you!
Sharon, daughter of Dorothy, age 79. Diagnosed with MDS Jan. 08. Treated for LBCell Lymphoma, chemo ended in 2005. Lymphoma in remission. Treated for Sarcoidosis Mar-Oct. 2007. Sarc in remission.
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