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Old Fri May 16, 2008, 02:56 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 2,553
I think that you should do what's best medically for your sister's treatment. I'd worry about the logistics of BMT recovery when the time comes, and not make it a deciding factor now.

The guidelines about staying near the hospital for 100 days are not hard and fast restrictions, as far as I know. It's a good idea to be able to get help quickly during recovery, especially at first and to a lesser and lesser extent as time goes on. Once the initial recovery period is over, one way to handle the distance is to make arrangements ahead of time to have a hematologist close to you become familiar with your sister's case. It would have to be someone willing to work closely with your sister's transplant center doctors by phone/fax/email, ideally someone recommended by the transplant center. That way, you'd have that doctor available for time-critical care, but you could still make the longer trip for more routine followup care.

These logistical issues are something worth asking the treatment center staff about (not the doctors). They've probably helped people with problems about being near the hospital, and can make suggestions.
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