Thread: Mud Day +7
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Old Sat May 31, 2008, 02:42 AM
brukru brukru is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 2
MUD Day +16 Courtney Brunette

Was hoping to post more often but things have been hectic. The good news is that Courtneys new marrow starting engraftmen on day +10, about a week earlier than doctors here had told us to expect. As of today her wbc were 3.7 and her anc 3.3, still platelet and rbc transfusion dependant. She is however just entering the realm of gvhd. She has two different types of rashes covering her body, her legs are covered with small mole like red dots, and her ears, neck and torso are covered with a red, splotchy rash. Here ears are red and swelled up, with the ear piercing holes in each ear swollen and almost blister like. They started her on a topical steroid cream called triamcinolone, and a drug called enbrel. A clinical trial here at U of M uses these to drugs to treat type 1 skin only gvhd, in hopes of avoiding oral steroids and their potential side effects. So that is where were at for right now, my girls fighting with all her might.

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