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Old Mon Sep 8, 2008, 12:11 PM
Ruth Cuadra Ruth Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 616
Hi, Melissa.

It's true that abnormalities of chromosome 13 are not the "usual" ones for MDS. More commonly, patients will have problems at 5, 8, and 20. I don't think that chromosome 13 necessarily speaks to a poorer prognosis, but may reflect the relationship of your Dad's MDS to prior non-hodgkins lymphoma. When I was diagnosed with MDS, I had a few bone marrow biopsies that showed Trisomy 15 (three copies of chromosome 15), which was never listed among the abnormalities associated with MDS.

I'm interested to know what the hematologist says after seeing your Dad. Let us know when you can.

Diagnosed AA 10/96, MDS/RA 6/98, MUD/BMT 10/6/98
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