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Old Wed Oct 22, 2008, 06:25 PM
Dontufret Dontufret is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Augusta, Ga.
Posts: 1
Unhappy My father has MDS too

My father also has MDS. It is a very confusing and frustrating condition. I can empathesize with how you are feeling. My father has been battling this condition for a while now. He has endured 2 bone marrow biopsies and has a 3rd one coming up soon; God bless him. Getting educated on the disease is the best thing you can do for your father. There is not alot that we can do to help in making them a matter of fact all we can do is love and try to care for them and be there for them as much as possible. I try to go to most of my father's doctor appts. with him. Some of the time it is hard to absorb & remember all they tell you; so we help each other remember all that we were told. I ask alot of questions (which I don't think my father minds)! I do alot of research, so that I can come up with more questions. LOL I think the most important thing we can do for them is to try and support them and just love them as best we can. Also, just take it one day at a time. There will be good days and bad days for him....and some days he will feel stronger than others. My dad has had to have about 22 to 24 blood transfusions to date; which sadly has made him have Iron Overload. The doctor is trying to get him started on ExJade to remove the iron. I am a little scared about this treatment but it is something that I know that he HAS to have. I am scared of what side effects he will have to he already has to endure so much. I just say prayers everyday that the good Lord will look after him and take care of him. Prayers to you and every one else that has had this condition or someone they love with this condition. Hang in there and God be with you. has very good information on it. They also have a booklet they can send you titiled "Your Guide to Understanding MDS" It gives you answers, support, and hope! It covers a good bit and also has a sheet you can tear our of questions to ask your doctor! It can help you with resources too.
Beth, daughter of Bubby McGan age 73; diagnosed with MDS 2003(I believe); treated w/ Aranespt and blood transfusions
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