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Old Wed Nov 26, 2008, 10:44 AM
Wassi Wassi is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 9
They had to go aggressive with the dialysis because my Dad was retaining allot of fluid and has puffed up really badly.There are now 4 towers of IV's with so much stuff going into him its crazy. So they have to have the dialysis going really quickly to let at least the same amount of fluids come out as the amount going into him.

Yesterday the nurse said: "today is the day". Either he would make it through or it would be too much for his body to handle. Due to the dialysis, his heart rate went up to 150 and blood pressure very low. So they added meds to stabilize them. Things were looking really bad and we feared the worst. Unbelievably though, he fought so hard yesterday and we are so proud of him!!

Today is one week since the put him in the drug induced coma and started breathing for him.

Today the swelling is down slightly, they managed to get over 2 liters of fluid out, so they got out more than what went in which is good.

We just knew that if he made it through yesterday, he would make it!! Its a long road back, but my Dad is one hell of a fighter!!
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