Thread: My Dad's Story
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Old Sun Nov 30, 2008, 11:44 AM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
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Originally Posted by Debra View Post
In a way, Dad's fall was a blessing, as I don't know how long it would have taken to discover this bone infection! By the way, he never ran a fever - which is common with osteomylitis - however, the infection is quite extensive and the radiologist said it's no wonder he's been in such terrible pain!
His fall must have been very frightening. It's lucky that you now know about the osteomyelitis; if only there had been an easier way to find it then it could have been dealt with sooner. I hope the antibiotics take care of the pain quickly, even though he'll need to stay on the antibiotics for weeks.

My Mom is having a very difficult time with all of this, and I must admit, I have had many days where I get very discouraged and very tired.
For almost a year and a half you've been helping your dad, helping your mom, learning the medical side of things, dealing with doctors, and managing your own life, so it's no wonder you can't always keep your energy up. And still you've taken the time to help other patients in these forums! You must have inherited your dad's kindness and strong spirit.

Are there others (relatives, friends, neighbors, coworkers) who can help you from time to time? It's hard to be superdaughter around the clock for month after month, and you need a break now and then. Your mom must spend a lot of time worrying about your dad too. Does she have others to talk to about it? In this thread a few Marrowforums members were talking about finding local support in the Dallas area. Although they said they were looking for an MDS support group, it's the people more than the diagnosis that count. You could post in that thread if you or your mom might want to connect with them.
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