Thread: Countdown!
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Old Mon Mar 2, 2009, 11:04 AM
paul36 paul36 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1
Thinking of You

Hi Rob,

Great to here that you are doing well. I have been thinking of you often, and keeping you in my prayers... I am still in the trying to find out what is going on stage. My BMB came back non diagnostic, but I tested off the charts for epstein bar/Mono which I am told can cause havoc on your body as an adult. I am still getting more test done, but I am feeling well, and enjoying life to the fullest.. My hemo says that as long as my counts don't get any lower, we will just check on everything every few months to make sure I stay stable, or to see if things improve. I am just so happy that you got your transpalnt, and are feeling fairly well. I am sure that you will continue to get stronger with each passing day, and will be back to your old self in no time... Please keep me posted, and good luck with the recovery... Again, just know that you are beeing prayed for, and that god will see you through this..

God blesss you my friend.

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