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Old Thu Apr 30, 2009, 08:13 AM
ESeda ESeda is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Naples FL USA
Posts: 89
Lab Goof ups

Thanks Brigetta, the info you gave me matches the paper copies Dr Morris provided for my study of the treatments. Looks to me like FLAG is the proper direction to take.

Dick thanks also for you sweet thoughts. Glad there are people like you on the site offering your prayers and support, THANKS.

Scary time yesterday at the hospital. Nellie had been feeling really sluggish and weak the last couple of days. I realized her reds had dropped, we were expecting that. Last Thurs they were at 8.5. So I called Dr Morris' office and was told to bring her in right away. So I did. Dr Morris could see by her skin and nails that it was time for more reds. So he called the hospital and requested she be admitted for tx. The reception was great. All the nurses and techs that knew Nellie rallied round her to welcome her back, it was a fun time.

Our nurse for the day was Brianna, and she quickly drew blood for CBCs, cultures and type and cross. Brianna had taken care of Nellie several days when in hospital prior. When the results of the CBC came back it reported her red count was at 10.3 ???? What? You say??? That's what I said, there is something wrong. I questioned Brianna and she assured me there was no mess up on her part. That there could not have been a mixup. While talking with Brianna, Dr Morris called her checking on Nellies CBCs. When Brianna told him, he also said, WHAT?? There must be something else causing Nellie's weakness and we had to find out quickly what is going on.

Dr Morris order antibiotics stat, and some patassium as a preventive measure. Well later the hospital Dr, a lovely, sweet young Dr from the Dominican Republic who had monitored Nellie throughout her Induction Therapy came by to check on her agreed to order another CBC, after we explained our concerns and fears. Those results came back at 7.5. Brianna now was suspicious of both results and order a third CBC that confirmed the 7.5 results from the second. Overall there was a delay of about six hours in getting the reds Nellie needed so badly.

Most people would not have questioned the first CBC. The trust and confidence we place on the professiional at the hospital sometimes can come back to bite us in the _____. Scary, you know. Nellie received her reds, and is expected to come back home this morning. By the way her whites are at 3.2 and plts at 35. So we get to enjoy another weekend at home and back to hospital on Monday for continued treatment.

This is a good lesson for all my friends on Marrow Forum, request copies of all you lab results, even when in the hospital. Make sure your Dr writes a standing permission, and the patient also, to give copies of all lab work immediately when they are available. You need to be familiar especially with the CBC report and play an active role in monitoring what is goning on. You never know when it could save your life.

Well, gotta go get ready to pick up my sweetie. She is feeling really good again and wants to come home.

Keep praying and fighting for life, lets do it together.

Eli, husband of Nellie (64), dx 3/08 MDS RAEB-1 w/abs, 2nd BMB 9/08 after 4 cyls blast dn to .5, Vidaza reduced 50% on 11/19 after sudden drop in CBC, 8th cycle completed 12/26/08. BMB 2/09 blast 17%. Seven day Induction Therapy completed 3/23/09, Started Salvage Therapy 5/5/09. Stopped 5/8/09.
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