Thread: Revlimid
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Old Mon May 25, 2009, 12:57 PM
Vera W Vera W is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Colfax Ca
Posts: 152

Hi Kathy, fours years on Vidaza, wow. I will be on my 8th cycle tomorrow and last month I was going nuts. Big red bruised Wheels that feel like a bad sunburn It peels and I get hematomas underneath my skin. But it does the trick! The doctor has prescribed a stronger cortisone cream. I had Anzemet, it is the samples that he hands out. Sometimes I get a little dizzy but all the meds I take cause dizziness so I really don't know what causes it!The tiredness might just be due to the fact that this drug really vamps up your system, that is my main complaint tiredness! The first couple of shots in the cycle I feel like I have been beat up but after that it mellows out. Any way..we have to go onward and forward! Take care
Vera, 56 yo female Dx RAEB II 10-08, 11-12% blasts. Normal chromosomes. Started Vidaza 10-08. . Improved Dx 3-09 MDS RA 2% blasts 8 cycles Vidaza! SCT transplant 7-1-09 at UCSF. Normal bone marrow and MDS free as of 10-09
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