Thread: serum sickness
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Old Mon May 25, 2009, 06:12 PM
JEZ JEZ is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Birmingham, AL
Posts: 68
Originally Posted by Lynn del View Post
Hi Jez:

THis was a bad week, my platelets went to 2 and my ANC 800. I had 3neuprogen shot and platelets transfusions on Tues and then on Friday, 2 bags. Anyway, my ferritin level was 5090 and now it's 3554 in only 2 weeks being on the exjade, and taking only 200mg - 350mg a day. I was suppose to take 1500mg a day. Monday my rbc was 10.2 and Thurs 10.4, I had a rbc transfusion on May 13. I hit the 2 month period on Friday, May 22, and still have serum sickness, but it's getting a little better. I asked the doctor for cyclosporine and he said there are too many side affects since I don't do well with meds.
I have heard of Imuran, my father took it for reumatoid arthritis. I hope it works well for you, and your counts rise to normal and stay there for many, many years. Lynn
Well, if you ever do take cyclosporine, take the Neoral (brand name) as it was soooo much better than the generic and the only one that I responded to. It took me 3.5 months after ATG to see the beginning of a turn around. I too had severe serum sickness right after the ATG but was hospitalized and given massive doses of steroids IV to get rid of it... after about 2 wks. in hospital it was gone. I just have AA... not any of the other marrow disease... at least for now and hopefully forever. My heart is with you... it is such a tough row to hoe.... stay the course... and I pray you get nothing but the very best that medicine has to offer.

JEZ, 50s, diagnosed AA Dec 2006, ATG one time, serum sickness resolved / took cyclosporine (Neoral) with delayed response but now with good labs/ recent kidney toxicity, so off of cyclosporine now and trying generic Imuran
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