Thread: serum sickness
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Old Sat Jun 6, 2009, 06:31 PM
Lynn del Lynn del is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Port Chester, New York, USA
Posts: 43
serum sickness

Thanks for all your advice. I stopped the exjade and diflucan,which probably bottomed me out. I'm going to try the Jello. Do you have to drink it or can you make regular Jello? I'm still on prednisone but they are lowering the dosage. THe prograf makes you cytopenia also, esp the platelets and white cells. Plus all the other side effects. For kidney failure I found out that putting watercress and 1 cup of water in a blender and drink it thru the day suppose to help, I'm going to try it. I know walnuts help the liver, because I did try it, and it worked. I ate 4 -5 walnuts a day and my liver went back to normal after the horse ATG. Also, milk thistle helps the liver.
Thanks, Lynn
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