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Old Sun May 29, 2011, 02:40 AM
suntime suntime is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Lbrown View Post
if you are feeling well, I don't see a reason to intervene with drastic treatments that suppress your immune system
I totally agree with you. That's why I hadn't agreed on the ATG for such a long time. However, I have an other problem as well, causing some suffering to my ego - that is, the personality I built up in 28 years:

This problem is bleeding. On the right side, both of my wisdom teeth decided to come out, causing all my teeth to collide and this process results in bleeding. This started about 3 years ago, with very little to no bleeding at all, but in the past 6-8 months (that could've been the point where my thrombocytes went down, I guess) it became quite severe. And when I say severe, I mean that sometimes I end up sitting in the ER, explaining that I need thrombocytes for the bleeding just won't stop and I've lost a lot of blood already.

To be honest, this bleeding is a little unsettling at times. It's not a convenient feeling to wake up with your mouth full of blood... And because my PLT counter goes down sometimes to an absolute minimal level, I need those thrombocytes badly.

I know someone who has AA as well, and she got a little bit better after the ATG. Not much of an improvement, but she isn't thrombocytes-transfusion dependent anymore. Which, in my case, would be like salvation... as my doctors say I've started to develop some resistancy to those transfusions.

About ten years ago I cured myself from many diseases, when the doctors couldn't help (they made me sick actually). Now, I don't know what to do. I have tried everything that is natural, but my values haven't changed in the past 4 months. And I couldn't stop bleeding either... for which I need those transfusions, and that's why I decided to try ATG.
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