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Old Tue Dec 15, 2009, 03:10 PM
roger roger is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 38
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My Vidaza treatments were delayed one week due to cough and antiboitics. Yestrrday I began cycle 2. Today I had an appt with the Onch nurse whom i found is often more informative than the doc. This is what she told me and I'd like confirmation from those who heard the same...or the contrary.

1. Not all MDS will result in Leukemia
2. Vidaza has 30-40% chance of working
3. The fact that you have MDS is not a death sentence
4. Worse senario is I would be on tranfusions when ncessary
5. Blood counts often get worse before better with Vidaza and you have to go on at least 6 cycle before anyone can determine if its working.
6. Most doctors will not stop the cycles unless they arfe absolutely certain they are not working.
7. Oh and one other...for those beginners such as myself...Vidaza, thank God usually does not have side effects one has to be worried about. Constipation, sure but not a major problem...drink lots of water and stool softeners. At worse, Milk of Magneasia which often works best.

The bottle will say not to be used beyond 5 days. Nurse said twice a week will help lots and I may use regularly if needed. Nothing to worry about.

God bless all of us during this Christams Holiday. We have lots to be thankful for
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