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Old Wed May 28, 2008, 06:53 AM
mannythedog mannythedog is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Marble, NC
Posts: 103
Pop Up-Date 5/28/2008

Well, blood tests came in yesterday. I figured they would be low because it we had a past, beautiful weekend, and pop didn't have the strength to ride his tractor and mow. Last weekend, he rode for an hour, and last Wednesday tried to scrape the driveway, but gave up after 15 minutes. He is loosing his strength more rapidly.

His blood testes were Hemo' 7.7; platelets' 20; hemocrite' 22; red' 2.5; white' 2.5, whites are still up. Dr. stated that he is not making any more platelets, and hos bone marrow is pretty much done. He needs the procrite to help the red blood cell's, but he does not need the chemo anymore; however, medicare will not cover the Procrite unless he is on the chemo. What do you do in that case. Keep taking the chemo. The Procrite is over $1,000 per treatment, and he gets that weekly.

Pop has discussed stopping several times, but this past weekend, he was pretty much agrivated with the fact he could not take car of what is his anymore. My wife, oldest sister and my 21 year old son visiting from Florida this week, took care of it. I was so glad it was a 3 day weekend. Needed the extra day of sunshine.

I guess at this point we all are going through the motions. Tuesday tests, wednesday first Neuprogen, blood, platelets, or both, thursday chemo, Procrite and the other Neuprogen shot. Thursday night, Friday and most of Saturday he is worn down from wednesday and thursday, and by sunday, the blood he got on wednesday is tired again. He is still talking and enjoying his time with mom and family, but that is becomming not enough for him anymore. I can't begin to imangine what he is feeling.

I guess someday our kids will take care of us. We may not like it, but are glad they are there. This much I did figure out. The legicy we leave behind is not a cure, money, land or an invention, it is our children. Pop was there for me when I was growing up. He worked hard and long so he didn't make games or school functions, but as far as family, work, religion and play time went, he was there. We had, up until last year, what I would call a "work relationship". He taught me how to work with my hands and not be asahmed of it.

I love my dad.

Son of Bob
Scott, Son of BOB. My father, diagnosed 9/07 with "hypo-cellular acute bone marrow Leukemia" AA, AML & MDS. He was 77 years old 08/25/2008. He was being treated with Ara-C, blood and platelets w/needed. Stopped blood treatments 12/08/08 & passed 12/23/2008. Pop was the best father and friend.
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