Thread: Need Help
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Old Wed Nov 19, 2014, 09:44 AM
clairekim clairekim is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 27

I've been meaning to ask this. Was the AA diagnosed after your father started taking Keppra? or did he change from Dilantin after this diagnosis?

I've heard stories of people who rely on supportive care for many, many years. Recently, I came across a man who's been on the supportive care for more than 10 years before going through BMT with his daughter's donation after she reached the proper age. I guess it all depends on how severe the problem is. If my wife (very severe, waiting for ATG response in Oct) would only need a transfusion once every several months, I'd seriously consider keeping her in supportive care than to go through the treatments. Along with treatments comes other problems.... but that's just me whose wife has gone through 2 rounds of ATG + Cyclo + Promecta (plus Keppra for her seizures). We are just sick of these medications......

We will keep your father in our prayer. He will be fine.
Claire, mother of 2, first diagnosed in Nov 2011. Remission post ATG+cyclo. Relapsed in Oct 2014.
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