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Old Thu Jun 19, 2014, 10:40 PM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Where to start, it's a long story over many years.

I've had iron injections, iron infusions, then progressed to occasional blood transfusions which increased over the years to blood transfusions every two weeks. I've had infections from low white cell counts. That was when I was started on chemo (Vidaza) but that didn't work and I was being worked up for a bone marrow transplant when I started having Neuro problems and I was found to have dead nerve cells in my spinal fluid. Then I was diagnosed with copper deficiency myelopathy and bone marrow failure. I currently have 5 days of intravenous copper sulphate every 6 weeks as an admitted patient. This keeps my bone marrow functioning well (but not normally) and is slowing (but not stopping) my Neuro deterioration.

I am disabled, can't work, need a motorised wheelchair for mobility outside the house and a walker inside the house. I suffer bouts of generalised dystonia, chronic spasticity, neuralgia, intermittent loss of vision, ataxia, loss of balance and periodic episodes of being non verbal.

It's not much fun!

Hopefully your MS hasn't caused this much trouble.
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