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Old Fri Dec 16, 2011, 11:52 AM
Dre's Wife Dre's Wife is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: High Point, North Carolina
Posts: 8
Potential Donor is NOT a match :(

Well, the doctor came in and dropped a bombshell on us. He said the two potential donors that were found on the registry are not suitable donors. So, they have started my husband on a lower dose of cyclosporine (the higher dose he had previously caused his kreatinin to rise to dangerous levels). He may also undergo another ATG cycle and be given another type of medicine. I don't remember the name of it. All I know is it starts with a "c".

Are there a lot of success stories of people beating Aplastic Anemia through the use of medication?

Worried Wifey
Erica, husband Andre age 34 was diagnosed with AA in September 2011; treated with ATG and cyclosporine; currently awaiting BMT
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