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Old Fri Jun 20, 2014, 09:33 AM
missbliss missbliss is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 7
It's been declining for a few years. I was exposed to chemicals on a daily basis for 5 years, among which were benzenes and glysophates, together with burning refuse. Yes, depression and stress went along with those conditions.

I am 55. I don't have access to my medical records yet, I should be getting them in a week or so then I'd be able to give precise numbers. I do have this from 2011 - WBC 5.40
and this from 2012 - 4.10

My monocytes are always off the charts and that was explained to me being the antibodies of the EBV.

Thank you for your helping me understand.


Originally Posted by sbk007 View Post
Missbliss, If you want more input it would be helpful to explain how long your WBC count has been falling and what the numbers were over time. Your age, things like that.
Stress or depression can cause the symptoms you describe or it could be so many other reasons. The numbers you posted are all in the range of normal.
Even your Vitamin D is perfect.
In the meantime before your able to see a specialist. Try and "do things".
Go outside for walks even if your tired or just sit outside. Also, it seems Epstein-Barr is hard to diagnose so you might want to see a Doctor that has many patients with this syndrome. If you read about Epstein Barr you'll see that what you describe is similar to what others with the syndrome describe.
Hope your feeling better and wish you well.
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