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Old Fri May 11, 2012, 02:44 PM
bettyliz bettyliz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 12
Thank you Squirrel. I thought it would go without saying that all hospitals are different. I was just trying to help someone that might be looking for information as I was when we started out. Northwestern is not a strange place at all. Very very respected hosptial with very good stats for successful transplants.
I noticed you are from the UK so I would expect huge differences not just because of it being a different hosptial, but a different country, health care system etc. and the fact that things have changed a lot in the 3 years since your SCT. I agree with coping1 - would be nice to hear about your experience too. Congrats on your 10k!!! I can't wait to tell the hubby about your great health. Continued health to you. Oh and my husband and are are still newlyweds, so being in the same room is just fine by me!!

Originally Posted by squirrellypoo View Post
Thanks, Betty! I was curious and just had a read through your tips.

Wow, your husband's hospital experience was VERY different to mine - in a lot of respects, I could say the exact opposite of what you've listed! It might be worth stressing that hospitals vary a LOT in their transplant procedures, and that your tips may not apply elsewhere. The biggest is that I've never heard of non-patients being allowed to stay in the same room as the transplantee. I can't imagine that, it just makes me germ-crazy just thinking about it! Also, I love my husband dearly, but I think I'd kill him if I were trapped in the same room as him for 5 weeks, 24/7!

(I think the funniest thing going through my mind is "Wow, they provide razors put they won't let you put posters up?? What a strange place!" )
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