Thread: cannabidiol
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Old Sat Feb 8, 2014, 09:27 PM
curlygirl curlygirl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 151
I haven't heard of it's use in MDS. I guess scientists go on either side of it actually helps with other cancers, or it is a placebo effect that relaxes you and the relaxing helps. I'm sure a lot of natural products help with things. We were told not to feed my son garlic or give him vitamin C while he's on cyclosporine because cyclosporine is an immune suppressant and garlic & vitamin C boosts your immunity (we were giving him vitamin C to help heal his bruises from having 6k platelets prior to ATG. It actually did help. He healed up a whole lot faster). I've also read studies where vitamin C and zinc supplementation affect cyclosporine absorption (you absorb less of it). You're not supposed to take grapefruit juice with cyclosporine either, just like with many other pharmaceuticals. So perhaps cannabidiol helps, or doesn't help, but until a study is done I suppose no one will know.
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