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Old Sun Apr 14, 2013, 12:25 PM
AngieA AngieA is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Decatur GA
Posts: 15
He was discharged the day after his transplant. So far everything as far as the transplant goes is good

However, the second day he was in the hospital, he stretched before getting out of bed and heard something pop in his back. Seems he has degenerative disc disease..The pain has been really bad. Friday I could not get the pain under control with what we had at the house. Called the transplant doc about midnight as he was close to hysteria. She basically said since it was not related to the transplant, they could try to deal with it in the morning since he was coming to clinic the next morning or just take him to the ER....But 2 am it was so bad I didn't think I could safely get him down the steps and in my car to go to the hospital so I called an ambulance. After telling the ER doc what the situation was...basically he was a BMT patient, I had maxed him out on oxycontin, oxycondone, flexerall and ativian within the last 2 hours....within the next 4 hours he got 3 shots of morphine, 2 shots of valium. Needless to say he was totally trashed for the next 24 hours. He was like dealing with a dementia patient. I really wished the transplant doc would have been more willing to become involved with the issue. Next morning at the clinic, they check his blood counts of course and the level of one of the anti rejection drugs. He was also retaining water. So he got some lasiks for that. The fellow sat down with me for probably 20 minutes and we discussed all the different drugs he had been administered and other concerns I had. So basically the remainder of the day when he would sleep, so did i...

Today is better. He is still in pain but it is managed better and his mind is alot clearer.

Since he takes about 30 pills a day, I keep an extensive daily log on meds. It has been my most valuable tool in his care. I also log his temps, BP and any notes I think important on symptoms.

Squirrelypoo, Although he did receive TBI, it was at a lower intensity than the standard rate for a full transplant. He's had no reactions from it except a very dry mouth and they told him that it was a possibility that his hair would fall out within a couple weeks.

But, so far, if it were not for the back issues, he has tolerated the transplant itself very well.

Now waiting to see if it will be successful
Angie, wife to Bill age 65; Diagnosed MDS May 2012; Post mini MUDD almost 2 years. Has some GVHD in mouth, otherwise doing well.
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