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Old Wed Nov 18, 2015, 01:17 PM
rar rar is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: colorado
Posts: 215

My body seems to know when it needs more sleep to aid the healing process. At my worst I was sleeping up to 12 hours a day. Doctor thought that was good. I am currently sleeping 8 to 9 hours. I am still healing. prednisone interferes with sleep pattern so I am taking Lunesta and Melatonin which helps a lot. Before that I was getting 4 to 6 hours. Lunesta is the mildest and least habit forming of the popular sleeping pills.

I have a fitbit that monitors my sleep. It is a rough guide but seems to agree with how I thought I slept. Some nights it says that I have up to 5 hours uninterrupted sleep. Usually it is more like 3 sessions of 2 hours with other short periods.

I am still on transplant medications and recovering from GVHD. I have felt better in my life. All things considered I feel pretty good.

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