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Old Sat Dec 19, 2015, 06:18 AM
Annettec Annettec is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: New Brunswick Canada
Posts: 50
Good morning Jordon,
I just read your post and needed to take a moment to shed a few tears before responding. I am so, so very sorry for your loss. It's obvious you were incredibly close to your dad and that he was a wonderful father. From your words, I sense he handled his condition very much like my dear mother. She too has a great sense of humour and although it's not always easy to fall back on that, she does still manage to surprise me....
I live three hours away from her so I check in on her often by telephone and email ( like 3-5 times per day...) and i visit once per month. She's currently on her weekly Vidaza treatment, her 19th consecutive month....and i know that the treatments are taking their toll on her. Just last night, I had to laugh though....she told me that she told the oncologist yesterday " let me be clear, I don't mind being dead, it's the process to get there that I'm not so keen on"....😉
My mother has deep faith, something I truly envy as it has been such a comfort to her during this process....I hope I have half her courage when I get faced with the end of my life. As you can see, like you, I deeply love my mother and I'm not quite ready to loose her.
I hope you will stay on the forum for a while as you're so right, your wisdom and knowledge can certainly help those of us who are following the same ( horrible) path.
You now have a very special angel looking over you.... Please take comfort in knowing that your father is now at peace.....Somethign that is definitely taken away from them during this damn disease.
Take care & my deepest condolences to you and your family,
Hugs from Canada
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