Thread: Please HELP!
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Old Thu Mar 27, 2014, 02:23 PM
Neil Cuadra Neil Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
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Originally Posted by cvigil View Post
The thing is here at UNM Children's Hospital, they don't know the cause and therefore they have not diagnosed him...but how long do you wait for that?
I'd put that question to the doctor. How do we get to a diagnosis? What tests will tell us? When will they be done? If they turn out this way or that way, what will we conclude? (I say "we" because the doctors and your family are a team.)

Your instincts will tell you if the answers are reasonable. If there's a sound plan at UNM to solve the mystery then you can gather the test results to make a second opinion more valuable, since it will be based on more evidence. As of today you barely have a first opinion. If you don't like the answers, even if talk it over frankly with the doctor, or they a doctor isn't treating you as part of the team, head for another center.

It may be easier to select a treatment center once you know what treatment is needed. There's a difference between straightforward care that any treatment center can handle vs. a specialized treatment like ATG. Of course, the centers with the most expertise in treating particular diseases are usually the best at diagnosis too.
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