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Old Tue Jun 3, 2008, 12:09 AM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100

This iron thing is weird. I have NO iron in my bone marrow. I was given an iron infusion (dangerous, because I'm allergic) and then had a repeat bone marrow a couple of weeks later and still NO iron in the marrow.

The doctor also wrote a letter to my GP saying that I didn't have any reticulocyte response to the iron infusion. I was told to never have iron again, just transfusions.

I'm a little concerned because I have had in excess of 60-70 units (too many to remember) of blood but I haven't had an iron level done for about 18 months.

I wonder if there is some iron blocking mechanism that kicks in and prevents iron getting to the marrow.

Just one of lifes' mysteries.

Copper deficiency bone marrow failure (MDS RAEB 1), neuromyelopathy.
FISH reported normal cytogenetics but gene testing showed
Xq 8.21 mutation
Xq19.36 mutation
Xq21.40. mutation
1p36. Mutation
15q11.2 deletion
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