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Old Sat Jan 26, 2008, 02:56 AM
Ruth Cuadra Ruth Cuadra is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 616
Originally Posted by Lisa V View Post
Ruth, you say that some instances of apparent transformation from AA to MDS could have been based on a misdiagnosis to begin with, but whether it was AA or hypoplastic MDS, did your marrow suddenly go from being hypocellular to being hypercellular? I'm curious as to what would be involved in that process, and how common it is.

My marrow remained hypocellular even when the diagnosis shifted from AA to MDS. It was in the first BMB after my ATG treatment that chromosome abnormalities showed up. They either weren't there before the ATG or just weren't detected. Over the course of the next year, my BMBs showed various kinds of abnormal chromosomes in that each test produced different results. A couple of times we saw the very uncommon Trisomy 15. According to my doctor, the presence of any abnormality at all was the basis for changing my diagnosis to MDS.

It seems to me that bone marrow that moves from hypocellular to hypercellular is likely on its way to AML, but that wasn't the case for me.

Diagnosed AA 10/96, MDS/RA 6/98, MUD/BMT 10/6/98
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