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Old Tue Mar 2, 2010, 06:04 AM
squirrellypoo squirrellypoo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: London, UK
Posts: 458
Yeah, I've been on antifungals both pre- and post-transplant, it's just part of the regime you're given to keep nasties at bay.

So far I've had:
* Intraconazole liquid oral (so absolutely disgusting that it made me depressed and caused dry heaves and retching so the doctors count me as "allergic" for it)
* Intraconazole pill (no side effects but not as effective as the liquid apparently)
* Posaconazole liquid oral (my favourite of the lot - pleasant creamy cherry taste but it's rather hard on your liver)
* Voriconazole pill (only on it for a short time as I think it affects your counts and liver?)
* Ambizome IV (I had a severe allergic reaction to this, which is apparently quite common to be allergic to)
* Caspofungin IV (no problems but I required this over one hour every day for months so it was a bit tedious and also very hard on your liver)

I'm currently on Posaconazole twice a day (along with an antibiotic and antiviral) but the doctors just said yesterday they might drop it entirely soon since my baby immune system is starting to take hold...
36/F - 1984 SAA treated with ATG [complete remission until] Oct 08 - burst blood vessels in eyes and low platelets; Jan 09 - AA & hypo-MDS; July 09 - BMT (RIC MUD PSCT) July 10 - 10k for Anthony Nolan (1yr post BMT! 53:48) Sep 10 - Wedding! I've run 5 marathons now!! (PB 3:30!)

Last edited by squirrellypoo : Tue Mar 2, 2010 at 06:06 AM. Reason: forgot the Voriconazole
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