Thread: AA and pets
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Old Thu Oct 20, 2011, 01:03 PM
Lbrown Lbrown is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 361
I had ATG and nobody said anything to me about pets. I wouldn't have listened anyway. My little dog Suzy was 9 then, and 5 months later we got a new dog, so now we have 2. My WBC is around 0.5 now (no that is not a typo). I also have a horse. I didn't have the energy to go see him until a month after my ATG but only because I got sick with c difficile which I got FROM THE HOSPITAL - NOT from a dog or a horse or other pet, I might add. It is pretty unlikely to catch something from an animal. Aren't you more likely to catch something from another person?

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