Thread: Family problem
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Old Wed Aug 29, 2012, 08:35 PM
milliken2 milliken2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ellwood City, PA. U.S.A.
Posts: 163
You said in your post that she is more 'yellow' colored - which tells me she is jaundiced - indicating not only kidney failure - but more appropriately liver failure.
Is there a doc that you know that can 'admit her for safety reasons' but not actually giving the diagnosis of dementia? It sounds to me like she is more Alzheimer's. Does she get 'stranger' or more frightened when the sun goes down or it gets dark? If so - this is called Sundowner's Syndrome - and is indicative of Alzheimers. Their behavior changes, and they get less and less cooperative. Try lighting up the rooms she is in, and see if her mood changes. But, if she is incontinent of both bowel and bladder - that is another issue all together. Over here - they can '302' you into a facility for observation if the Doc or the police think she may be a risk to herself. This is usually a 24-48 hour hold so that all of the blood tests can be run, as well as the physical tests.
In order to check her mental acuity - ask her to count backwards from 20 by threes - 17 - 14 - 11 - 8 - 5 - 2 and acutally negative 1. If she can compute that, then her mental awareness is not as much at stake. But, you want everythihg checked out by the Dr. of course.
I wish you and your Father lots of luck. I remember those days - we had my MIL living with us because she was not capable of being by herself, and I was outside hanging clothes. I thought I smelled smoke - and sure enough - she had put a skillet on the back burner with oil in it - lit it - and fell asleep - my kitchen cupboards were on fire. That was the end of MIL staying here - and my BIL and SIL would not even consider taking her - so she went to an extended care facility then.
Take Care.
Beth - R.N., B.S.N and wife of recently diagnosed husband who has been classified at stage 4 MDS. and I can't help the one I love the most.
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