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Old Tue Feb 26, 2008, 01:14 PM
Jbsx19 Jbsx19 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 29
Hi Kim,

Our stories are very similar. My story is posted in Tell Your Story. I was diagnosed with VSAA in May 2003. I was 40 and in the best health of my life.I was taking an antibiotic and under a great deal of stress which both may or may not have contributed to the AA. Anyway, I ,too,opted for the ATG/Cyclosporin/MMF route even though my sister is a complete match.Was in the hospital about a month at NIH. I was discharged with 28Kplatelets and just even white cells to be somewhat safe.I can tell you that for the first 6 mos on the cyclosporin , MMF ,Neupogin and pantanmedine, I was weak,tired,etc..etc.. from 6 mos to 18 mos I was on just the mycophenolate(my clinical trial drug) still with muscle weakness and just not feeling myself. It took a good 2 years after diagnosis to get back to my old self physically,enough where I could exercise,workout,etc. The good news is that I am now almost 5 years out and 46 yoa. This did effect my hormones somehow,so I am dealing with hot flashes,skin issues,etc,but who's complaining since the alternative isn't a place I want to revisit. Just keep in mind that the drugs themselves(probably not the AA) that are causing your weakness,tiredness,muscle aches,etc..etc.. but it will get better!! My platelets were 302K yesterday!! Hang in there...

Best Wishes and Stay strong,
Judi 46yoa VSAA diagnosed May 2003 ATG/Cyclosporine/mycophenolate treatment complete remission ukn cause. I believe caused by stress while on an antibiotic or an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. I also had ITP about 20 years prior.
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